plot against [v.]
-plot against
Iplot against
youplot against
heplots against
weplot against
youplot against
theyplot against
Iplotted against
youplotted against
heplotted against
weplotted against
youplotted against
theyplotted against
Iwillplot against
youwillplot against
hewillplot against
wewillplot against
youwillplot against
theywillplot against
Ihaveplotted against
youhaveplotted against
hehasplotted against
wehaveplotted against
youhaveplotted against
theyhaveplotted against
-plotting against
-plotted against
Outras palavras (mesmo modelo) :
fit to commit unlawful entry fit out dot the i's and cross the t's vet for military service rat on spot promote bat mitzvah fit in commit fraud submit an application kit out commit to paper trot out swot up blat out submit to the yoke submit a request fit in with commit a crime ... (56 words)