fall to one's knees [v.]
-fall to one's knees
Ifall to my knees
youfall to your knees
hefalls to his knees
wefall to our knees
youfall to your knees
theyfall to their knees
Ifell to my knees
youfell to your knees
hefell to his knees
wefell to our knees
youfell to your knees
theyfell to their knees
Iwillfall to my knees
youwillfall to your knees
hewillfall to his knees
wewillfall to our knees
youwillfall to your knees
theywillfall to their knees
Ihavefallen to my knees
youhavefallen to your knees
hehasfallen to his knees
wehavefallen to our knees
youhavefallen to your knees
theyhavefallen to their knees
-falling to one's knees
-fallen to one's knees
Outras palavras (mesmo modelo) :
fall to one's share fall to one's knees fall down on one's knees