Conjugação de escape by the skin of one's teeth

escape by the skin of one's teeth [v.]


-escape by the skin of one's teeth


Iescape by the skin of my teeth

youescape by the skin of your teeth

heescapes by the skin of his teeth

weescape by the skin of our teeth

youescape by the skin of your teeth

theyescape by the skin of their teeth


Iescaped by the skin of my teeth

youescaped by the skin of your teeth

heescaped by the skin of his teeth

weescaped by the skin of our teeth

youescaped by the skin of your teeth

theyescaped by the skin of their teeth


Iwillescape by the skin of my teeth

youwillescape by the skin of your teeth

hewillescape by the skin of his teeth

wewillescape by the skin of our teeth

youwillescape by the skin of your teeth

theywillescape by the skin of their teeth

passé composé

Ihaveescaped by the skin of my teeth

youhaveescaped by the skin of your teeth

hehasescaped by the skin of his teeth

wehaveescaped by the skin of our teeth

youhaveescaped by the skin of your teeth

theyhaveescaped by the skin of their teeth


-escaping by the skin of one's teeth


-escaped by the skin of one's teeth

escape by the skin of one's teeth


Parts of speech:

adj. adjective

n. noun

v. verb


sing. singular

plur. plural

pos. positive

comp. comparative (more)

super. superlative (the most)