refer to [v.]
-refer to
Irefer to
yourefer to
herefers to
werefer to
yourefer to
theyrefer to
Ireferred to
youreferred to
hereferred to
wereferred to
youreferred to
theyreferred to
Iwillrefer to
youwillrefer to
hewillrefer to
wewillrefer to
youwillrefer to
theywillrefer to
Ihavereferred to
youhavereferred to
hehasreferred to
wehavereferred to
youhavereferred to
theyhavereferred to
-referring to
-referred to
Outras palavras (mesmo modelo) :
infer from occur to confer a title of nobility on prefer a charge against slur over concur in stir fry concur with stir up a hornet's nest bar hop bar out prefer charges against confer with refer back to stir in bar mitzvah incur displeasure transfer into private ownership transfer to prefer a charge ... (33 words)